Sunday, July 20, 2014

Kid's Perspective 1st Edition

Of course it is our parents who are serving but we as a family are all benefiting and have little, tiny experiences from the mission. Again, our mother would not approve of this content but until she figures out how to blog, the kids are in charge. Our motto, while the cat's away the mice will play! 

Small things this week WHICH we started with the best and then it goes down hill... 
  1. On the phone we heard about a tour (we can't remember which location) and the tourist kept telling my dad they wanted 'no Jesus'.  They wanted the historical components but all religious aspects were to be omitted.  Of course our thought...ugh, then why did you go on the tour?  BUT it lead to a great discussion among us and Becky said, "no Jesus? If you don't have Christ in your life, what do you have?" Sure that probably wasn't the best tour or maybe not a success, but for us it was great. It was really simple.  It allowed us to reflect the benefits in our life of knowing the Savior and having him part of our lives. 
  2. Our dad and the phone.  We used to joke that if we had a Survivor like contest re: who knows how to use their phone, carries it, and answers calls or responds to text...although it is a close race between the Kristi and our dad, he would for sure be the first voted off the island. He was the worst!!! Benefit of the mission...he's figured out the phone.  We've gotten calls and text. It is awesome. He called Ryan this week just to check in.  Lilly (Becky's 7 year old) has also learned how to text and sent 29 in one day.  We'll see if it lasts but it is pretty great the grand kids and us too quite frankly get a quick call/text from him. 
  3. My mom calls Kati in the middle of the day using a hushed tone.  The conversation goes like this: 
    • Mom (almost in a whisper) "Kati, I'm on my shift and I need some help.  They've put me in charge of the St. George Visitor Center FB page"
    • Kati " OK"  (In her mind, this cannot end well)
    • Mom "I need your help to do some things" 
    • Kati "OK, hold on, let me log into FB to see what your seeing..."  
Kati tried to help and left her with some steps she needed to do.  After hanging up, Kati laughed for easily 10 minutes. Her mom, Dawna Borchert, was in charge of the FB page?  Her mom who,  sure she can log on and post, but the ins and outs...we're not so sure about that. AND the fact that my dad hasn't gone on some rant about it...he thinks social media is a total time waster. Of course later Kati tells the story to Becky & Ryan who laugh about it all over again. We aren't sure if she was just in charge for her shift, if it was a one time thing, a single post or if its on-going...Kati was laughing too hard to get the details straight AND my mom might deny the whole thing, BUT don't fret,  we've added a link on the blog so you can go directly to the FB page.  (YUP...that was an awesome run on sentence. We write like we speak...back off).  We have started to follow just in case something fantastic appears.   

Our parents are definitely in the missionary moment and we are grateful for their awesome example! We really, really love that they are serving. It hasn't been very long, but we are already seeing the blessing that come from dedicating yourself to the Lord.   As kids we definitely need refining, so we are glad they are willing to make sacrifices to keep us on the straight and narrow.  We need all the help we can get!   

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