Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Last Night...the Finale

Dear Friends and Family, 

I am sitting here and it is almost midnight on the last night of our mission.  I am in a state of denial that it is really over.  I look at the schedule and our name is not on it.  We have lived by that schedule every day for the past year and to not see our name is a very disconcerting feeling.

We have so enjoyed this experience and feel so blessed to have served in St George.  These memories are precious and the friendships we have made are treasures we will hold dear for the rest of our lives. But the icing on the cake is the growth and strength of our testimonies.  Serving with Bruce has been wonderful.  I still claim he missed his true vocation.  He really should have been a lawyer.  You really do not want to debate Bruce, he his relentless when he wants to prove a point. The guests didn't have a chance if he decided they were going to walk away with a Book of Mormon.   He was a fantastic missionary and a wonderful teacher.

We ended in style. The last 10 days of our mission was spent in Manti working the Miracle Pageant, taking the Cleverly's to Hole in the Rock, and planning our last Bye party for the Sutherlands, plus working our regular shifts at the sites.

The Manti pageant was beautiful.  We worked the booths handing out pamphlets, Books of Mormon, referral cards and pictures of Christ.  The sad thing about this event, are the protesters who line the street in front of the Temple and hassle those entering the gates.  This year they took it to a new level.  They had 34 women dressed up like pioneers but with a twist. They all had a sign around their neck saying they were Joseph Smith's wife # such and such and their name is...  They lined up right along the sidewalk that everyone entering the grounds had to walk past.  Not sure what their purpose was but it made some guests feel uncomfortable.  They are very aggressive and obnoxious.  I was worried about Bruce confronting them, but they put us on the opposite side of the Temple.  "Tender Mercies".

Our trip with the Cleverly's was unreal.  We left Monday night after our shift and drove to Escalante and checked into a motel.  We then went to the Escalante Heritage Center and toured the displays of the Hole In The Rock adventure.  Tuesday morning we left early and traveled down a 60 mile dirt road that takes 2 1/2 hours one way.  We arrived at Hole in The Rock and were just amazed at what these pioneers did.  All the way their we kept asking "How did they survive and who in the world ever thought they could drive a wagon over a cliff and if Brigham was with them would he have turned them around?"  These people were unstoppable.  We made two other stops to stare in amazement at Devil's Garden and then a two hour hike to a slot canyon.  Soooooooo Fun!

Our last Bye Party was last night.  The Sutherland's leave in 10 days and we celebrated with a "My Favorite Things" party.  It was great!  These parties have been so instrumental in bonding the Sr. Couples together.  We work very hard and it is nice to get together and laugh, eat, laugh some more and of course end with eating more.

So now, We close this chapter of our lives.  We thought we came on this mission to pay back the Lord for the blessings we have received the last 43 years, but we are leaving more in His debt than ever.  I hate the principle "Endure To The End", but I think I understand it a little bit better.  I am sure we need to keep serving in any capacity when asked, but I'm not sure the next experience can match up to the past year.  We'll just keep on truckin'!!!

We send our love to all of you and pray for God's choicest blessings to surround you.  Here's to the end of our Mission and this blog.

God Bless,
Bruce and Dawna

Elder and Sister (for at least 12 more hours)

Kids Final Perspective: WELL DONE

Although its been our parents/in-laws/grandparents serving, we have been blessed and have benefited from this great experience.  We created this blog to act as a journal as such so we could remember some of the great moments and keep the missionary perspective. As it comes to a close, we decided to share a memory, draw a picture, bear testimony, or capture our thoughts of this missionary experience.    We are so, so grateful of this past year and the example our parents have set.  Well done Elder and Sister Borchert. You've definitely returned with honor! 

Kristi's Thoughts: 
I am not surprised that once again you have taken an opportunity like a mission to teach us about hard work.  I was so happy that my parents decided to serve.  I have been able to say hundreds of times over the past year, WITH PRIDE, my parents are serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 

I can never thank you enough for the example you have set for our entire family!! My boys now know that in our family, missions are important. Not  because we have told them, not because we have talked about their
Dad’s, or Grandpa’s missions, but because they have been able to personally witness their two loving Grandparents serve so faithfully. 

I know you have been able to experience a lot of fun things while serving, and although we give you a hard time, I also know that you have woken up each day with the willingness to serve the Lord. 

I love that you have maintained your personalities while serving.  The things you were great at outside the mission, are the things that made you great while on the mission.  I loved having our “missionary Christmas”. 

Thank you mom and dad for the past year.  This is a special time in our families lives to be able to welcome you home from serving so faithfully, and so soon after send our first away.  We know your example will follow Logan and the other boys on their missions. 

We were so happy to send you, but are even happier to welcome you home!!  I love you so much.

Dave's Thoughts: 
Thanks so much for your service and the example you have set for our family.  Our trips to St. George this past year were terrific.  It was great to get a glimpse of how much you have done for the people in St. George, its visitors, and the sisters.  Each time we came and visited it was great to see you, but it was a spiritual boost as well.  It put the right things in perspective.  You have always been wonderful examples to our family and your grand kids.  This past year, you showed my boys how to be great missionaries.  It wasn’t just the example of going on the mission.  It was how you served your mission.  You worked HARD and were exhausted, but you were the happiest I’ve seen you (and you were pretty happy people to start with).  I am grateful that my boys were able to see that and I pray they too will serve in such a manner. 

Thank you so much for your service and sharing a little piece of that with us this past year. 

Logan's Thoughts (age 18): 
I can’t believe this year went by so fast!  It seems like it’s only been a couple months, and now you guys are done.  I’m so thankful for the example you set for me by going on a mission, but I am also so grateful for the chances I had to visit you on your mission!  You may not have noticed, but in the year you were gone, your attitudes toward life and the gospel really changed.  You guys became so focused on the work, and as you worked harder, your enthusiasm for the mission really grew.  That was really incredible to see and I’ve been trying to do the same before I go on my mission, but to think that in a few months that I’ll have the same opportunity to increase my love for this Church in the way you two have is really exciting.  It seemed like the harder you were working, the more fun you had.  Watching you on your mission really showed me why we do what we do, and I can’t wait to start.  Welcome home!

Love you guys,


Noah's Thoughts (age 15): 
I already knew a mission would be the greatest experience in my entire life, but seeing you guys serving one reinforced that statement even more. Visiting you two in the temple was so spiritual and it showed me what true missionary work is. I can’t wait to go on my mission now that I have seen you set the example for me first. You guys have become super amazing missionaries and have taught me that the gospel really does bless your life. I know I will be bummed that Logan is going away, but I know that I will have two super awesome missionary examples coming back to help me prepare for my own. I’m super excited to see you guys again and thank you for everything!

Luke's Testimony (age 12): 
I bare my testimony that I know that if you go on a mission, blessings will be in store for you. I know that when you went on a mission that you felt the spirit while helping others know the teachings of the Lord. I believe that it will keep you close to the Lord and the teachings of Jesus Christ and that answers can and blessings will be in store for you. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Caleb's Picture (age 7): 

Kati's Thoughts: 
I'm pretty sure I missed you the most :) Although it was hard having you be gone, your service brought a missionary spirit to our family.  I found myself being more willing to go with the Sisters, be friendly to the Sr. couples serving in our ward, and being excited about missionary work. I'm grateful for the example you set and showed us how to support those who are serving. 

It was awesome to be able to visit you at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. I will never forget making 400 bazillion crepes for Christmas morning.  Although we thought it was crazy (and it ABSOLUTELY was), it was a great lesson in service. You were so willing to do anything to serve your fellow Sr. missionaries, the sisters, those living in the St. George area, and all those that visited the site.  Your service was selfless.  You gave 100% and we were able to witness you in action.  

We teased that it would be part-time, that wearing the tag got you discounted drinks and food, and you were always off on some adventure or having friends visit. But now we know the truth--it was was hard and exhausting. Through your work, we were blessed. I appreciate your dedication to the gospel and how you demonstrate your love for our Savior.   It has been a great year...but I'm glad your home.  Love ya--Kati    

Becky's Thoughts: 

Mom and dad,

I don't know if I have words adequate enough to describe how great of an impact your mission has had on our lives. You have been great examples of putting the Lord before all other desires. Your example of being dedicated,selfless,hard-working, motivated missionaries has been a great example to our entire family. It is easy enough to say that serving the Lord is and should be the most important thing in our lives but to act upon that and selflessly sacrifice your time helps strengthen all our testimonies of being actively engaged. I hope that one day, Ryan and I can follow your example and serve the Lord as excitedly, selflessly and righteously as you both have.


Ryan's Thoughts: 
Bruce and Dawna’s decision to serve a mission has positively and negatively impacted me in the following ways:

Positive Impacts –
·  They have shown that life CAN be fulfilling even after retirement
·  They have truly been engaged in the work by putting their hearts and souls 
   into the mission. (they can’t stop talking about all their cool experiences) 
·  They have become church history scholars and love to share that knowledge
   with others
·  They have been the poster children for all those who say missions aren’t fun!
·  They have been able to share their testimonies with individuals and families
   from all over the world and in doing so have strengthened their personal
   testimonies of the gospel.
·  They have allowed our children to appreciate grandparents when they are
   gone….Oliver continually asking “How many more sleeps until Nema and 
   Papa come back?”
·  They have been amazing examples of showing their dedication and love of the
   Lord to family, friends and neighbors
·  Most importantly, they are coming back with one more motorized vehicle than
   they left with and for that I am eternally grateful….

Negative Impacts –
· This area intentionally left BLANK!!!

Rubie's Testimony (age 11): 
I’d like to bare my testimony that if you go on a mission small blessings and big blessings will be in store for you. One of the biggest blessings of you guys going on a mission that I have received is that I have grown closer to even though we are so far apart. Thank you for going on a mission.  And I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


Lilly's Picture (age 8): 

Oliver's Picture and Thoughts (age 5):  "How many more sleeps until Nema and Papa come home?" 

Jodi's Thoughts: 
I am grateful for the challenge to read the entire Book of Mormon.  It has allowed our family to frequently read together before bed which has now become part of our nightly routine. The kids have loved the stories in the Book of Mormon and has given Eldon and I great opportunities to teach valuable doctrine/lessons...more importantly has also allowed us to share our testimonies with them.  

Eldon's Thoughts: 
I love the example they have set for our example of service and dedication to the gospel.  I love that the boys that are part of this family have an unbroken chain of missionary service. All the boys have gone, so they can't now break the chain! Visiting and seeing them in their mission routine shows that missions are fun and you will have great relationships and love those who you serve.  Knowing the Lord will never stop blessing them and our families for their missionary service for years to come is beyond amazing!!!  Thanks B&D! 

Max's Favorite Memory (age 8):
My favorite memory of Nema and Papa on their mission is getting to go on tours of the Jacob Hamblin and Brigham Young home. I loved hearing the stories.  

Lucy's Favorite Memory (age 5): 
I loved seeing Nema and Papa at the temple the night that they turned on the Christmas lights.  I loved wrapping up in blankets and seeing the beautiful lights. 

Ben's Thoughts (age 2):  "Neeemaaa, Papa" shouted with open arms.