FINALLY, it has finally arrived! Between a last minute vacation and a family wedding, we had a four day window we'd be home to receive and open the call. Of course it didn't come right when we wanted it to so we headed out of town. The AZ kids had the job of checking the mail every day. On February 7th, the postal worker drove up to our mailbox (very slowly Becky would say) singing, "I have something fantastic". Becky sent a text immediately! You'll never guess...we were walking into the temple for the wedding. We had to continue to wait! The anticipation was killing us!
Thank goodness for technology because we were able to Face time and open the call! All grand kids were present (they are the most important right?) and most of the kids. Soon shouts of joy and tears were shed...who knew we'd get exactly what we wanted? St. George, Utah Visitor Center reporting June 30th to the Provo MTC for one year with the option to extend. We are so excited to serve and can't wait for this new adventure!